UX/UI Case Study - Clinical Trial Seeker
Clinical Trial Seeker
Project background:
Clinical trials bring new medicines to people who need them. Without clinical trial awareness, medicines can take longer to go to market, which affects the livelihood of many who have difficult-to-manage health conditions with no known cure. The client is a clinical trial company aiming to provide patients with fast access to new studies and bring new treaments to patients who need them.
Clinical Trial Seeker
Bringing new treatments to those who need them through clinical trial awareness.
David Nguyen-Luu:
Researcher & Designer
Project Duration
4 Week Project
25th July - 21st August 2022
Figma, MIRO,
Adobe Illustrator, Zoom
Google Meet
To understand the subject, I deep-dived into the world of the clinical trials industry - a 68 billion-dollar industry worldwide. 80% of clinical trials are delayed due to patient recruitment. Without clinical trial awareness and more involvement with clinical trials, new medicines will take longer to go to market for those who need them.
Understanding what clinical trial participants want and need was integral to this case study. Empathy was the biggest influence in this research.
would participate in
a clinical trial if they were aware of it.
2000 Surveys sent
196 responses
8 x 1:1 User Interviews
4 x 1:1 Stakeholder Interviews
43% 45-64 years of age
34% over 65 years of age
I just can't imagine living the rest of my life on strong toxic drugs, so if clinical trials are an option, I want to know about them.
"Sara" was the final piece of the puzzle I needed for this research. Sara needs a solution to her health conditions. Sara wants more clinical trials. Sara needs the medicine to go to market. Sara wants more people involved in clinical trials.
of people are unsatisifed or frustrated in managing their health conditions
"Google takes me to too many websites I don't trust and takes too long"
"The frustration is that I fill out so many things online to find clinical trial information"
How might we reduce the time Sara spend's searching clinical trials as new treatment options?
How might we provide clear clinical trial information for Sara to understand and make an informed decision on participation?
Ideation Workshop conducted with Stakeholders
"Crazy 8's" brainstorming
"How Might We" brainstorming
I needed to address Sara's issues. We needed to solve Sara's problems. My designers were stakeholders who speak to the "Sara's" every day. They empathised with Sara. They understood her pain. They provided me with multiple ideas on how we might solve the clinical trial awareness for all the "Sara's" out there.
Something like... ok... this is a website... not just you guys on there... but maybe a website where... if you want to do a clinical trial, these are all the places you can go to...
Lo-fidelity Wireframes & User Testing
5/8 Easier search function request
8/8 Simple email/text alerts option
8/8 Concise direct trial information
3/8 App option
4/8 Saving trials option
To deliver a prototype, it was imperative to understand the needs of Sara. Taking to account all the research findings, the prototype was the culmination of ideas and feedback from all involved in this project, especially Sara's voice.
Hi-fidelity Wireframes & User Testing
8/8 brand colours make it look "trustworthy"
7/8 Easy to navigate
8/8 No pressure to register
8/8 User information is kept private
7/8 search function was clear
What's next?
3-6 months
Continue user testing - further testing for Sara and Roys, building back on more feedback and evolution of user usage
APIs - Gather APIs from as many trial recruitment sites as possible to build the clinical trials database and allow proper search feature
12 months +
Focus on GPs - GP's are crucial to clinical trial awareness, the next step is to duplicate this to focus on GPs and how they may be more aware of clinical trials to refer their patients.
6 - 12 months
Create an app - Work on an app for mobile and tablet to allow more features requested by users and provide push notifications to their device